I'm happy. And I'll tell you why: I got Michael Kors sandals! All of the long minutes, hours, and days that I have spent gazing at anything with a Michael Kors label in every possible shoestore from Winners to Nordstrom has paid off! On shoes.com the sandals that I wanted were selling for $52 USD. But they don't call me The Bargain Hunter for nothing! I found them at a little shoe store out of the way in a small little town for 32 bucks. I think that's pretty good. And that's not the best part. I looked at my mom, with my little doe eyes, and begged her to buy me these other sandals that were twice as much. Then, I showed her the other ones that I planned to buy and whaddya know! She bought them for me! It's just like in the good old days when all I wanted was a goldfish, so I'd start out by asking for a pony.
So basically, those amazingly comfy sandals (because of the cork) were free. And my name has changed from The Bargain Hunter to The Mischevious Daughter.
This picture gives the cute MK charm a little more justice:
Now that I have reached one of my very few life goals, the only one left (aside from being a life-saving doctor that wears Christian Louboutins and Chanel watches to work) is to see Lady Gaga in concert...